1991 (1991)
Drama unfolds at a Lithuanian guard post.
5 Seasons Of Revolution (2023)
An aspiring video journalist in her 20s finds herself already facing self-reckoning. Born in Damascus, Syria, Lina starts to report on the events around her until she is compelled to become a war reporter and, later, the unexpected narrator of her own destiny.
Amanda (2022)
As far as 24-year-old Amanda can remember, she has never had friends. It’s the thing she desires most. When she finds out that as infants she and Rebecca had spent a lot of time together, Amanda settles on her new mission: convincing her that they are still best friends.
Angela (2018)
A Cuban immigrant tries to find her place in New York City.
An Incredibly Elastic Man (2014)
The animated tale of a man born without his own shape, who keeps being shaped by others.
Blue Moon (2021)
A young woman struggles to access higher education and escape the violence of her dysfunctional family.
By Day And By Night (2009)
Gattaca meets THX1138 meets Blade Runner...
Charcoal (2022)
A rural family who make their living from a charcoal factory accepts a proposal to host a mysterious foreigner, who turns out to be using their home as a hideout.
Crow Moon (2006)
Crows do battle with darkness.
Dog Lady (2015)
The story of a nameless woman living in the wilds with a pack of dogs.
Ever After (2018)
Two years after a zombie apocalypse, two women set off on a long journey in search of a safe haven.
First They Killed My Father (2017)
Cambodian author and human rights activist Loung Ung recounts the horrors she suffered as a child under the rule of the deadly Khmer Rouge.
Flow: For Love Of Water (2008)
Examination of the global water crisis.
A Girl's Band (2018)
A former bassist chronicles the stories of female musicians in Argentina, their music and their activism.
Jaén, Virgin And Extra (2018)
Documentary about the Jaén region and olive oil.
The Last Station (2012)
A contemplative film about the elderly residents of a Chilean nursing home.
Liquid Truth (2017)
A supervisor tries to get to the truth after a popular swimming instructor is accused of kissing one of his young pupils.
McLaren Animation 2 (2007)
Showcase celebrating the best of British animation.
Mirrorball Animation (2005)
A collection of the best animated music videos that 2005 had to offer.
Nine-Ball (2008)
A man who struggles to communicate learns a lesson from his son.
Queen And Slim (2019)
Two young people on a blind date go on the run after shooting a racist police officer in self defence.
Queen Of Lapa (2019)
A proud transgender sex worker since the age of 11, Luana Muniz, now 59, shapes a new reality in her 'hostel' by housing a new generation of transgender sex workers in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Song Without A Name (2019)
Peru, at the height of the political crisis of the 1980s. Georgina is a young woman from the Andes whose newborn daughter is stolen at a fake health clinic. Her desperate search for the child leads her to the headquarters of a major newspaper, where she meets Pedro Campos, a lonely journalist who takes on the investigation.
Spindrift (2016)
A young girl living by the shore faces choices after encountering an eagle and someone new.
Swept Away (1974)
A rich socialite and a working-class deckhand are thrown together on a Mediterranean island.
Swirl (2011)
Snapshot of the life of a widowed octogenarian.
Takuskanskan (2002)
Life-cycle of a cloud.
Toll (2022)
Suellen, a toll booth attendant, realises she can use her job to raise some extra money illegally. But this is only for a noble cause: to send her son to an expensive gay conversion workshop led by a renowned foreign priest.

An island in the darkness Moin Hussain on creating the world of Sky Peals

Mirroring Monica Vitti Roberta Torre on Monica Vitti, Alba Rohrwacher, Shigeru Umebayashi and Mi Fanno Male I Capelli

Bonello, the time traveller France’s maverick on sci-fi, loneliness, music and working with Léa Seydoux

Secrets through the smoke Anna Hints and Tushar Prakash on code-switching and capturing the unsaid in Sauna Day

The weight of the past Muayad Alayan and Sheherazade Farrell on Palestinian experiences and A House In Jerusalem

Cousins and Swinton take a bow at Karlovy Vary World premiere of documentary about pioneering woman artist

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