Berlin International Film Festival 2017

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Back For Good (Country: Germany; Year: 2016; Director: Mia Spengler; Writer: Stefanie Schmitz, Mia Spengler; Stars: Kim Riedle, Juliane Köhler, Leonie Wesselow, Nicki von Tempelhoff, Arndt Schwering-Sohnrey, Heike Hanold-Lynch, Marko Dyrlich, Robert Gallinowski, Emma Drogunova, Ilir Rexhepi, Anna Oussankina, Lena Thom, Robert Besta, Yasemin Cetinkaya, Stefan Lampadius)
Exploration of a long relationship that ends in separation.
World premiere. Opening film of the section
The Best Of All Worlds (Die beste aller Welten) (Country: Germany, Austria; Year: 2017; Director: Adrian Goiginger; Writer: Adrian Goiginger; Stars: Verena Altenberger, Michael Pink, Michael Fuith, Lukas Miko, Philipp Stix, Gabriel Marian Skowerski)
The story of the inviolable love shared by a boy and his drug-addicted mother.
Container (Kontener) (Country: Germany; Year: 2017; Director: Sebastian Lang; Writer: Sebastian Lang; Stars: Joanna Drozda, Anka Graczyk)
Story of two Polish dairy workers, told from the perspective of one on the night the other disappears.
World premiere
Dark Blue Girl (Die Tochter) (Country: Germany; Year: 2017; Director: Mascha Schilinski; Stars: Helena Zengel, Karsten Antonio Mielke, Artemis Chalkidou)
End Of The Season (Country: Germany; Year: 2017; Director: Lars Henning; Writer: Lars Henning; Stars: Karl Markovics, Peter Kurth, Catrin Striebeck, Marko Dyrlich, Leonardo Nigro, Gotthard Lange, Piet Fuchs, Markus Haase, Christian Skibinski)
After serving a lengthy prison sentence, Becker wants to live a quiet life in self-imposed solitude. But the man whose wife and daughter he killed refuses to give him any peace.
Final Stage (Country: Germany; Year: 2017; Director: Nicolaas Schmidt; Writer: Nicolaas Schmidt; Stars: Aaron Hilmer, Fynn Grossmann)
First: a young man forlornly mourns the departure of his friend. Later: a majestic parade through Europe’s longest shopping mall. In the end: a sigh of relief.
Gabi (Country: Germany; Year: 2017; Director: Michael Fetter Nathansky; Stars: Gisa Flake, Florian Kroop, Britta Steffenhagen, Martin Neuhaus, Dela Dabulamanzi)
This is a film about truthfulness.
Ironhead (Eisenkopf) (Country: Germany; Year: 2017; Director: Tian Dong; Writer: Tian Dong)
Documentary, about a young football team skilled in Shaolin kung fu.
World premiere
Mikel (Country: Germany; Year: 2017; Director: Cavo Kernich; Stars: Frank-Leo Schröder, Murat Dikenci, Thomas Bartholomäus, Benjamin Elstner)
A young refugee leaves Nigeria for Berlin in search of work.
World premiere
Millennials (Country: Germany; Year: 2017; Director: Jana Bürgelin)
Urban fairy tale.
Paths (Ein Weg) (Country: Germany; Year: 2016; Director: Chris Miera; Writer: Chris Miera, Philipp Österle; Stars: Mike Hoffmann, Tom Böttcher, Peer Martiny, Mathis Reinhardt, Nadine Heidenreich, Cai Cohrs, Yvonne Döring, Christian Martin Schäfer, Anna Katharina Schimrigk, Eva Horacek)
A sensitive portrait of a long-standing relationship.
Raving Iran (Country: Switzerland; Year: 2016; Director: Sue Meures)
An unexpected invitation offers a taste of freedom to Iranian underground DJs risking imprisonment for pursuing their passion.
Self-Criticism Of A Bourgeois Dog (Selbstkritik eines bürgerlichen Hundes) (Country: Germany; Year: 2017; Director: Julian Radlmaier; Writer: Julian Radlmaier; Stars: Toby Ashraf)
A bourgeois dog confesses how he has gone through multiple transformations, from a love-struck filmmaker, to an apple picker, a traitor of the revolution, and, last but not least, a four-legged creature.
World premiere
Seventeen (Siebzehn) (Country: Austria; Year: 2017; Director: Monja Art; Writer: Monja Art; Stars: Elisabeth Wabitsch, Anaelle Dézsy, Alexandra Schmidt, Christopher Schärf, Alexander Wychodil)
Paula, 17, is secretly in love with her friend Charlotte – but she’s going out with Michael. Meanwhile Tim is making a play for Paula.
Tara (Country: Germany; Year: 2017; Director: Felicitas Sonvilla; Stars: Sasha Davydova, Leo van Kann, Lena Lauzemis)
A young woman tells of her flight from Paris in search of a better life.
World premiere
We Were Kings (Könige der Welt) (Country: Germany; Year: 2016; Director: Christian von Brockhausen, Timo Großpietsch; Stars: Maze Exler, Michael Borwitzky, Ole Fries, Markus Krieg)
L.A. with their band. A dream comes true – but so does the nightmare when they fail abysmally. Now grown men, they face their demons to begin making music again. And to remain friends.

59th New York Film Festival early bird highlights Futura, Jane By Charlotte, James Baldwin: From Another Place and The Velvet Underground

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