Berlin International Film Festival 2017

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Sami Blood and Angry Inuk
24 Snow (24 Snega) (Country: Russia; Year: 2016; Director: Mikhail Barynin)
Documentary about a horse breeder in the Arctic part of the Yakutia.
Angry Inuk (Country: Canada; Year: 2016; Director: Alethea Arnaquq-Baril; Writer: Alethea Arnaquq-Baril)
An Inuk filmmaker takes a close look at the central role of seal hunting in the lives of the Inuit.
Before The Snow (Vor Dem Schnee) (Country: Germany; Year: 2007; Director: Christian Vagt)
Eerie first-hand accounts of the supernatural and the dead in the world of Khanty and Nenets.
Boy And Lake (Ogo Kuyuurduu Turara) (Country: Russia; Year: 2003; Director: Prokopyi Nogovitsyn)
A Sakha boy sets out on a lyrical journey through the boreal forest to catch fish in a secluded icebound lake.
A Bride Of The Seventh Heaven (Country: Finland; Year: 2004; Director: Anastasia Lapsui, Markku Lehmuskallio; Writer: Anastasia Lapsui; Stars: Jana Hudi, Ljubov Lapsui, Angelina Serotetto, Viktoria Hudi, Juri Toholja, Viktoria Okotetto, Vakke Tibitsi, Lidija Okotetto, Gregory Anaguritsi, Vera Horotetto, Viktor Hudi, Inna Anaguritchi, Jevgeni Hudi, Ljubov Hudi, Taija Anaguritchi)
At birth, Syarda was promised as a bride to Num, the highest god of the Nenets. Now an elderly lady, still bound to this fate, she tells the story of her wistful, yet self-determined life to a blind young girl who alleviates her loneliness.
God Johogoi (Johogoi Aiyy) (Country: Russia; Year: 2015; Director: Sergey Potapov; Writer: Sergey Potapov, Zhanna Skryabina)
Documentary about the summer festival of the Sakha people.
Half&half (Country: Denmark, Greenland ; Year: 2014; Director: Aka Hansen)
Study of the filmmaker's heritage.
Kaisa's Enchanted Forest (Kuun metsän Kaisa) (Country: Finland; Year: 2016; Director: Katja Gauriloff; Writer: Katja Gauriloff; Stars: Kaisa Gauriloff, Jaakko Sverloff, Elli Sääskilahti, Robert Crottet, Dean Drew, Matleena Fofonoff, Elmeri Härkönen, David Mauffret, Sirkka Sanila, Nadia El-Radhi-Wood, Jukka Nurmela, Maija Paunio, Markku Porkka, Saija-Riitta Sadeoja, Richard Stanley)
Handmade animation and rare archival footage illustrate the full world of the Skolt Sámi, from magical moments to the hardships of war.
Nowhere Land (Country: Canada; Year: 2015; Director: Rosie Bonnie Ammaq)
Denied the opportunity to lead a true Inuit life on Baffin Island, Rosie Bonnie Ammaaq shares the grief she felt when forced to relocate.
On The Ice (Sikumi) (Country: US; Year: 2008; Director: Andrew Okpeaha MacLean; Writer: Andrew Okpeaha MacLean; Stars: Tony Bryant, Olemaun Rexford, Brad Weyiouanna) , Official Site
An Inuit hunter inadvertantly witnesses a murder.
Rebel (Country: Canada, Norway; Year: 2014; Director: Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers; Writer: Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers; Stars: Duncan Ollerenshaw, Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers, Mariel Belanger, Laura Wilson, Ánde Somby, Máret Áile Gaup Beaska, Duncan Ollrenshaw, Maret Aile Gaup Beaska)
Documentary about a the filmmaker's relationship with her Sami father.
Sami Blood (Sameblod) (Country: Denmark, Sweden, Norway; Year: 2016; Director: Amanda Kernell; Writer: Amanda Kernell; Stars: Hanna Alström, Anders Berg, Katarina Blind, Beata Cavallin, Malin Crépin, Julius Fleischanderl, Ylva Gustafsson, Tom Kappfjell, Anna Sofie Bull Kuhmunen, Andreas Kundler, Marika Lindström, Maj-Doris Rimpi, Olle Sarri, Tove Skeidsvoll, Anne Biret Somby)
A Sámi girl experiences racism in the 1930s.
Sami Moment (Sammi Bodu) (Country: Norway; Year: 2011; Director: Ken Are Bongo; Stars: Svein Birger Olsen, Nils Henrik Buljo)
Surrounded only by the wintry tundra, two Sámi men meet and contemplate the immense horizon.
Searchers (Maliglutit) (Country: Canada; Year: 2016; Director: Zacharias Kunuk, Natar Ungalaaq; Writer: Norman Cohn, Zacharias Kunuk; Stars: Benjamin Kunuk, Karen Ivalu, Jonah Qunaq, Joey Sarpinak, Jocelyne Immaroitok, Joseph Uttak)
The actions of a marauding gang spark a trail of revenge by a husband.
Seven Songs From the Tundra (Seitsemän laulua tundralta) (Country: Finland; Year: 2000; Director: Anastasia Lapsui, Markku Lehmuskallio; Writer: Anastasia Lapsui; Stars: Anatoli Hudi, Igor Hudi, Tajuda Hudi, Vitalina Hudi, Hadko Japtik, Ivan Japtik, Arkadi Laptander, Lidija Okotetto, Viktor Pistsulin, Janina Serotetto, Aidar Ahmetzjanov, Aleksandr Bukrejev, Dmitri Didenko, Andrei Pando, Marija Pando)
A contemplation of the Nenets in a seven-part chronicle, each guided by a meaningful song.
Sloth (Country: Canada; Year: 2011; Director: Alethea Arnaquq-Baril)
Animated sketch of the Inuit way of life.
Sumé - The Sound Of A Revolution (Sumé: Mumisitsinerup nipaa) (Country: Greenland, Denmark, Norway; Year: 2014; Director: Inuk Silis Hoegh; Writer: Inuk Silis Hoegh, Emile H. Péronard; Stars: Erno Aronsen, Per Berthelsen, Hjalmar Dahl, Per Danker, Hans Fleischer, Lise Hegelund, Malik Høegh, Isak Kleist, Kuupik Kleist, Emil Larsen, Arkaluk Lynge, Aviâja E. Lynge, Sakiu Nielsen, Eigil Petersen, Tida Ravn)
For the Greenlanders of the 1970s, the surge of the progressive rock band Sumé was mind-blowing: lyrics in their own language, inspiring them to act against the repression of their people. This documentary tells the story.
The Tundra Book. A Tale of Vukvukai - the Little Rock. (Kniga Tundry. Povest' o Vukvukaye - malen'kom kamne) (Country: Russia; Year: 2011; Director: Aleksei Vakhrushev; Writer: Aleksei Vakhrushev; Stars: Vladislav Nuvano)
Jovial and as energetic as a teenager, the wise Vukvukai guides his nomadic Chukchi community. These tough reindeer herders survive in their snowy wonderland despite the harsh threats posed by the weather and Russian politics.
Tungijuq (Country: Canada; Year: 2009; Director: Félix Lajeunesse, Paul Raphaël; Writer: Félix Lajeunesse, Paul Raphaël, Stephane Rituit, Tanya Tagaq; Stars: Tanya Tagaq)
Meditation on the Inuit seal hunt.

59th New York Film Festival early bird highlights Futura, Jane By Charlotte, James Baldwin: From Another Place and The Velvet Underground

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