In Camera is in the Proxima competition In Camera is in the Proxima competition

This year's festival will run from June 30 to July 8. The festival will open with Firebrand. The programme is in progress of being announced, so please check back regularly.

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Karlovy Latest Reviews

A young, pregnant woman finds emancipation as aliens land in Morocco.
On the remote island of Chiloé in the late 19th century, an indigenous girl named Rosa lives and works with her father on a farm. When the foreman brutally turns on Rosa’s father, she sets out for justice, seeking help from the king of a powerful organisation of sorcerers.
Goodbye Julia
Wracked by guilt after covering up a murder, Mona — a northern Sudanese retired singer in a tense marriage — tries to make amends by taking in the deceased’s southern Sudanese widow, Julia, and her son, Daniel, into her home.
Orlando, My Political Biography
Docufiction interpretation of Virginia Woolf's novel.
When a man who was cast out as a child after being considered a sorceror returns home, he faces prejudice.
Blaga's Lessons
A woman's moral compass starts to slip after she is conned out of her savings by a phone scammer.
Iman, an Iranian, lives with his family in Sweden in an ever-changing succession of refugee hostels. To increase his chances of obtaining residence permits for them all, he resumes his career as a wrestler – and is confronted with the reason he had to flee.
La Chimera
The story of a group of archaeologists and the black market in historical artefacts.
Samsara is the Buddhist cycle of death and reincarnation. From the temples of Laos, alongside with teenage monks, we will accompany a soul in its transit from one body to another through the bardo.
A mother is shocked when she learns what a teacher has said to her son, but the truth is more complicated.
A-Z of Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2023 reviews >>>

Karlovy Vary International Film Festival Features

A new vision
Sofia Alaoui on deconstruction, interconnectedness and Animalia
Embracing ambiguity
Christopher Murray on uncertainty, the potential of cinema, and Sorcery
'I've been lucky that I've been able to combine TV and film'
Barry Ward on his career, prestige and working on the big and small screen
The tip of the iceberg
Milad Alami on character creation, films that linger, and Opponent
The look from above
Jessica Hausner on Tanja Hausner, Martin Gschlacht, Sidse Babette Knudsen and Club Zero
In search of liberty
Rodrigo Moreno on freedom and character development in The Delinquents
Bitter taste of an awards season row
Director of The Taste of Things on Binoche, Magimel and an Oscar polemic
Binoche’s recipe for a reunion
The Taste Of Things brings France’s celebrity couple together again
Now is now
Wim Wenders on Yasujirō Ozu, Anselm Kiefer, Ingeborg Bachmann and Perfect Days
Command performance
Naqqash Khalid on modern masculinity, blank slates and 'anti-acting' in his debut In Camera
Always within her
Elene Naveriani on the recognition of beauty and Blackbird Blackbird Blackberry
Seeking fortunes
Babak Jalali on cookie messages and casting challenges in Fremont
Girl reimagined
Jennifer Reeder on the power of femininity and the agency of blood in Perpetrator
Facing up to Peter Pan’s demons
Lost Children director comes to terms with her 'inner child'
Scrutinising a killer obsession
Red Rooms director on cyber-security, new media, and the Fincher influence
Queen of the Indies reigns in Karlovy Vary
Christine Vachon on Todd Haynes, diverse voices, and a cherished project
Steeling the Blade
Inodchine star Vincent Perez on being back behind and in front of the camera with duelling drama
Ewan tripping on an energy rush
Proud dad on filming with Clara, Danny Boyle and wearing that moustache
Feisty Gladiator comes out fighting
Russell Crowe on ageing, Ridley Scott, music and playing Göring
Rights and wrongs
Amjad Al Rasheed on patriarchal structures and female empowerment in Inshallah A Boy
'We made magic'
Lila Avilés on the meeting between the worlds of adults and children in Tótem
'I am trying to tell the story with my soul more than with my mind'
Roman Liubyi on mixing dance and performance into documentary Iron Butterflies
Waves of fear
Minhai Mincan on the dread that drives To The North and his move from documentary to fiction
The art of noise
Minhai Mincan on scoring, sound design and shooting on a ship in To The North
The everday art of performance
Pornomelancholia director Manuel Abramovich on fact, fiction and character creation in his hybrid film
Close encounters
Helena Wittmann on Denis Lavant, Marguerite Duras, Friedrich Glauser and Human Flowers Of Flesh

Karlovy Vary International Film Festival News

Blaga's Lessons takes top prize at Karlovy Vary
President’s Award for Robin Wright for career achievement
Crowe singing for his supper in Karlovy Vary
Robin Wright and Christine Vachon join stellar throng for Festival tributes
McGregor family gathering in Karlovy Vary
Scot joins daughter and Swedish star Alicia Vikander for opening salvo
Karlovy Vary deluged with film offers
Czech festival makes selection from 2000 submissions

59th New York Film Festival early bird highlights Futura, Jane By Charlotte, James Baldwin: From Another Place and The Velvet Underground

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