Film fan from the very start. Loved Westerns in the days when Brit flicks were dominated by POW escape stories and anything with John Mills. Elia Kazan, James Dean and Danny Kaye were special faves before Spielberg, River Phoenix and Jim Carrey.
On the way back to school one year watched On The Waterfront and Psycho on the same day before catching the train to my beastly boarding school in Berkshire. Naturally life was never the same again.
After failing the medical for national service (asthma) I went to Canada for a couple of years and worked on a golf course, in a bank and at an oil refinery. On returning to what they used to call Blighty, I worked at Lloyds as a junior insurance broker, which is like wasting your youth in slow motion, after which I became a journalist in Yorkshire and then a novelist and then a publisher and then an art mover (I had a big van and called myself Moving Pictures) and then a film critic for The Scotsman and then co-founder of a movie review site and now an old fart who lives in the country, looking after chickens. I perform in the local panto every winter and play cricket for Melrose.
P.S: still a film fan as well as an obsessive TV series watcher. Am accused of not living in the real world. Probably true.
Editor's note: Everyone at Eye For Film was deeply saddened to hear that Angus passed away on January 15, 2023, his support and humour will be greatly missed by all of us, though we're pleased to say his writing will endure
We have 2595 reviews by Angus Wolfe Murray in the database: read them here
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