Order by: Date, A-Z
A.C.A.B. All Cats Are Brilliant (2012)
A young activist struggles to get by and to find her place in a troubled Greece.
Avanti Popolo (2012)
A son tries to reconnect with his father in a film that explores the nature of film.
Amsterdam Stories USA (2012)
A journey through US towns called Amsterdam in search of the real America.
Animal Love (1996)
A documentary about people who turn to animals for companionship.
An Anthropological Television Myth (2012)
Collage of fragments culled from an independent Sicilian TV station's output in the mid-90s.
Art Will Save The World (2011)
A look at the work, life and legacy of Luke Haines.
Avalon (2011)
When a nightclub owner accidentally kills a labourer, he finds himself with a dangerous debt.
Babylon (2012)
Chronicle of a temporary refugee camp in Tunisia.
Bastards (2013)
The battles of single mums trying to legitimise their children in Morocco.
Bravehearts (2012)
A documentary following the lives and thinking of four politically active young Norwegians before and after the massacre on Utøya Island.
Call Girl (2012)
Two young teenage girls are caught up in a sex scandal that goes to the heart of the Swedish government. Based on a true story.
Cargo 200 (2007)
One fearful night at a remote farmhouse echoes the breakdown of post-Soviet Russia.
Dark Matter (2013)
A visit to the ruined environment of a military testing site.
The Deflowering Of Eva Van End (2012)
The arrival of a handsome exchange student causes a troubled family to come apart at the seams.
Dreaming Of A Family (2013)
Documentary about a recovering alcoholic dad who is trying to be reconciled with his family.
A Dream's Merchant (2012)
This true-life 'Motorcycle Diary' recounts the epic trek of genial, thirtyish photographer Mihai Barbu as he rumbles to the Mongolian capital Ulan Bator - and back.
East Hastings Pharmacy (2012)
An introduction to the various people who visit a methadone clinic over the course of a day.
Emptying The Skies (2013)
Documentary about songbird poaching.
Everybody's Gone (2012)
Magical perspectives on life in a small Georgian town, as seen through the eyes of a small boy.
Fair Wind - Notes Of A Traveller (2013)
Falling in love with the world at first sight.
Faith, Love And Whiskey (2012)
Young Neli abandons a secure future in with a wealthy, straight-laced fiancé for one last fling with her passionate but boozily self destructive ex-boyfriend.
Fata Morgana (2013)
Musings on the meanings of life, death and the world.
The Forgotten Space (2010)
Film essay documenting fishermen's working conditions and sea trade.
Gazzara (2012)
Conversations with the actor just before his death.
Gone Wild (2012)
In a landscape now largely abandoned by humans, wild horses face gradual extinction.
Greatest Hits (2012)
The logic of filmmaking itself begins to unravel as we explore the relationship between a frustrated son and his absent father.
Historic Centre (2012)
Four stories about life in Guimarães, Portugal.
Housemaids (2012)
Seven Brazilian children film the activities of their live-in housekeepers.
Les Invisibles (2012)
Exploring the lives of 11 gay, lesbian and bisexual men and women over the age of 70.
I Have Always Been A Dreamer (2012)
A documentary travelogue and portrait of two cities in contrasting states: Dubai and Detroit.
Jesus, You Know (2003)
The inhabitants of six different churches seek Heavenly help to solve their Earthly problems.
Joy (2012)
A woman takes home a baby from hospital, devotedly caring for it. But she is not its mother - she is a kidnapper.
The Last Time I Saw Macao (2012)
This stunning amalgam of film noir and Chris Marker cine-essay poetically explores the psychic pull of the titular former Portuguese colony.
Lions (2012)
Five young people are lost in a forest - and perhaps in time itself.
Longing For The Rain (2013)
A lonely housewife embarks on an intense erotic relationship with a ghost.
The Love Songs Of Tiedan (2012)
The film recounts a romantic obsession that spans several decades. In a poor Shanxi Province village, six-year old Tiedan falls in love with May, the beautiful neighbor who practices a traditional form of singing, Er-ren-tai, and this love will never die.
Magpie (2012)
Aided by two of their friends, a former couple steal their dead son's body and set off to drive it to Cornwall, but nothing goes to plan.
Me Too (2012)
After inadvertently committing an act of violence, a group of friends journeys to a legendary tower in the hope of travelling to a better world.
Models (1999)
A portrait of a quartet of aspiring Viennese models.
My Dog Killer (2013)
A troubled teenager with violent friends discovers a secret about his absent mother than makes him contemplate a cruel act.
My House Without Me (2012)
A documentary looking at two women permanently displaced as a result of the Second World War.
On The Edge Of The World (2013)
Documentary about homelessness in Paris.
Paradise: Faith (2012)
Second part of Seidl's trilogy sees a devout Catholic trying to cope with the return of her paraplegic husband.
Paradise: Hope (2013)
A teenager from a troubled middle class background spends the summer at fat camp and determines to seduce its director.
Paradise: Love (2012)
A cautionary tale about European female sex tourists on the beaches of Kenya.
Paris Countdown (2013)
Two ageing nightclub owners find events slipping out of control one dangerous night.
People's Park (2012)
A single tracking shot captures life in the People's Park in Chengdu, China.
Pincus (2012)
An interior decorator who cares or his ailing father falls for a karate instructor.
La Playa DC (2012)
Tomás is trying to make his way in Bogota. Looking for his young brother Jairo, he sets out on a journey that will test his ability to deal with the fear and wounds of the past.
The Rambler (2013)
An ex-con's impulsive cross country journey leads to the unravelling of strange mysteries.

Living fiction Ari Gold on one take filmmaking and exploring real life in Brother Versus Brother

Clean content Director Denis Côté on entering the world of a 'simp' and his dominatrices for Paul

In pursuit of new challenges Matthew McManus and Kevin McManus discuss Redux Redux

The main dish Philippe Lesage with Ed Bahlman on Rock Lobster and Who By Fire

Bringing it all together Tara Thorne on telling lesbian stories, ensemble filmmaking and Lakeview

About the journey Andre Gaines on adapting and updating The Dutchman

A test of love Dusty Mancinelli and Madeleine Sims-Fewer on Honey Bunch

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