Order by: Date, A-Z
The 40 Year Old Virgin (2005)
American Pie for grown ups.
Batman Begins (2005)
The evolution of mixed up rich kid Bruce Wayne into the Dark Knight of Gotham City.
The Cremator (1968)
A family man, with a passion for prostitutes and cleanliness, sees the Nazi party as the salvation of the world.
Dark Water (2005)
So-so adaptation of Hideo Nakata's Japanese horror movie.
Dead or Alive: Final (2002)
A renegade cyborg locks horns with a hard-boiled cop in the final part of Takashi Miike's sci-fi trilogy.
The Descent (2005)
Six girls on a caving expedition find they are not alone in the dark.
The Dukes Of Hazzard (2005)
Luke, Bo and Daisy make big-screen comeback.
A History Of Violence (2005)
Violence begets violence in a study of retribution and small town defiance.
Kingdom Of Heaven (2005)
Retelling of the 12th Century battle for Jerusalem.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)
Small time crook is groomed for Hollywood with hilarious consequences.
The League Of Gentlemen's Apocalypse (2005)
Convoluted comedy from TV-based series that questions the meaning of reality.
Mondays In The Sun (2002)
Men without jobs in Galicia share friendship, black humour and alcohol.
Sin City (2005)
Stylised graphic novel adaptation shows three men on a mission.
United 93 (2006)
A recreation of events surrounding the hijacking of United Airlines flight 93 on the 11th of September, 2001.

An island in the darkness Moin Hussain on creating the world of Sky Peals

Mirroring Monica Vitti Roberta Torre on Monica Vitti, Alba Rohrwacher, Shigeru Umebayashi and Mi Fanno Male I Capelli

Bonello, the time traveller France’s maverick on sci-fi, loneliness, music and working with Léa Seydoux

Secrets through the smoke Anna Hints and Tushar Prakash on code-switching and capturing the unsaid in Sauna Day

The weight of the past Muayad Alayan and Sheherazade Farrell on Palestinian experiences and A House In Jerusalem

Cousins and Swinton take a bow at Karlovy Vary World premiere of documentary about pioneering woman artist

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