Fantasia 2020 to be held online

Festival adapts to social distancing

by Jennie Kermode

Montreal, the festival's physical home
Montreal, the festival's physical home Photo: abdallahh

It's one of the biggest genre festivals of the year, so fans will be delighted to know that Fantasia is going ahead this year - just in a different form. Normally held in Montreal, where it attracts talent from all over the world, it will be moving online with limited access screenings, Q&A events, panels and workshops. Tickets will, however, be available only to Canadians.

In an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, festival co-director Mitch Davis expressed his enthusiasm for working with Festival Scope and Shift72, who have managed to provide a degree of security that means studios are happy to have high profile films shown as part of the event.

Montreal is currently under lockdown and although this is expected to be eased within he next few weeks, with some businesses reopening, there remains a great deal of uncertainty about how the situation might develop. Further concern exists about the possibility of new cases being brought into the city by visitors.

The first stage of the Fantastia line-up is due to be announced in the next few weeks. It is expected that the festival will still run on the dates planned, from 16 July to 5 August.

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