At its most interesting when the robot-building team is in Herat, its hometown, the film addresses aspects of Afghan life not always noticed by outsiders.
~ Jennie Kermode -
A sophisticated palate will discern any number of flavours running through Black Bag, but these are glosses on a traditional recipe.
~ Andrew Robertson -
Establishing shots of boats and docks and archive footage are not only more genuine than the film's version of events but more convincing.
~ Andrew Robertson -
A wild story delivered with verve and a suitable degree of irreverence.
~ Jennie Kermode -
Ott’s interest is not in creating an accurate depiction of exactly what happened in the run-up to the Oklahoma City bombing, but rather in exploring the thought processes behind it.
~ Jennie Kermode -
I laughed, and was not alone in doing so, out loud, and repeatedly.
~ Andrew Robertson -
In this tangled tapestry, Russell has captured the soul of a nation.
~ Jennie Kermode -
It feels as if a collection of fantasy and dystopian science fiction archetypes have been poured into a blender and swirled around to produce the script and visuals.
~ Jennie Kermode -
Manages to squeeze solid performances from actors and to infuse the run of the mill story with some dense and tense atmosphere set against the backdrop of the overall slickness of Frank Griebe’s cinematography
~ Marko Stojiljkovic -
If the humour works for you at all, you’ll find it a hoot.
~ Jennie Kermode -
Director Siobhan McCarthy is adept at using the long-established visual language of the high school movie both to entertain and to show us the world from a perspective that’s relatively new to cinema.
~ Jennie Kermode -
Clown in A Cornfield has a lot of heart, and not just of the bloody variety.
~ Jennie Kermode -
Bong loses the thread in numerous half-baked sub-plots whose inflation takes its toll on the bloated runtime.
~ Marko Stojiljkovic -
Every frame feels like the product of conscious decision-making, with nothing merely carrying us from one point to another.
~ Jennie Kermode -
Hallow Road is an Irish co-production, and it shows both in theme and in quality.
~ Jennie Kermode -
It’s refreshing to encounter a multiverse film that doesn’t mess about.
~ Jennie Kermode -
A surprisingly droll deconstruction of crime reconstruction.
~ Amber Wilkinson -
The circumstances of women are central to the film.
~ Jennie Kermode -
Kurosawa's masterful synthesis doesn't stop with the script. He weaves a late Edo period samurai film, in its painstaking historic detail, into modernity.
~ Donald Munro -
The film is at its most effective when we feel the urgency of their boredom – the athletic one pacing in circles like a trapped animal – juxtaposed with the languid charm of their environment.
~ Jennie Kermode -
Every frame feels like the product of conscious decision-making, with nothing merely carrying us from one point to another.
~ Jennie Kermode -
Ashcroft’s interpretation steers the story away from simple tragedy as we see Mortensen making gains as well as losses.
~ Jennie Kermode -
Comic invention rides shotgun on a screenplay that runs wild.
~ Angus Wolfe Murray -
Carreira shows how quiet desperation can be eroding
~ Amber Wilkinson -
Bong loses the thread in numerous half-baked sub-plots whose inflation takes its toll on the bloated runtime.
~ Marko Stojiljkovic -
Bonhoeffer struggles with his faith, but less in the manner of a great thinker and more in that of someone who writes quotes for inspirational posters.
~ Jennie Kermode -
A sophisticated palate will discern any number of flavours running through Black Bag, but these are glosses on a traditional recipe.
~ Andrew Robertson -
Taut and visceral filmmaking at its most intense.
~ Sobhano -
Taut and visceral filmmaking at its most intense.
~ Sobhano -
Irony and danger is hinted at, only to be reeled in to the safer backwaters of Hollywood banality.
~ Sobhano -
Irony and danger is hinted at, only to be reeled in to the safer backwaters of Hollywood banality.
~ Sobhano -
The camera bounces around from one staged encounter to the next, until you start feeling curiously seasick from the clumsy breaks and wandering pan shots.
~ Sobhano -
The camera bounces around from one staged encounter to the next, until you start feeling curiously seasick from the clumsy breaks and wandering pan shots.
~ Sobhano -
A veritable compost heap of derivative ideas, flat acting and empty plot lines, overburdened with an unrestrained CGI budget that leaves the viewer glazed with a continuous projectile vomit of mutating monsters and falling masonry.
~ Sobhano -
A veritable compost heap of derivative ideas, flat acting and empty plot lines, overburdened with an unrestrained CGI budget that leaves the viewer glazed with a continuous projectile vomit of mutating monsters and falling masonry.
~ Sobhano -
Like a hot salsa antidote to all those cornball American musicals.
~ Sobhano -
Like a hot salsa antidote to all those cornball American musicals.
~ Sobhano -
The film collapses in on itself spectacularly.
~ Sobhano -
The film collapses in on itself spectacularly.
~ Sobhano -
A dreary, cynical exercise in the marketing of cuddly toys.
~ Sobhano -
A dreary, cynical exercise in the marketing of cuddly toys.