Eye For Film >> Movies >> The Last Kiss (2006) Film Review
Four young men: one with a devoted girlfriend who's just discovered she's pregnant; one with a wife and young child; one who is struggling to deal with being dumped; and one who is anxious to prolong a lifestyle centered on independence and casual sex. One impending birthday: the thirtieth. Cue crises. We've all seen this movie before. Sometimes, given strong performances and a witty script, it can be entertaining regardless. Unfortunately, The Last Kiss has neither.
It's difficult to know what to say about a film which has so little to say for itself; it's difficult to figure out why anybody thought this film might be a good idea. It's not exactly bad in any particular way, but everything about it is mediocre; every little tangent which looks as if it might take a more interesting direction is quickly smothered.

Why does anyone care about these people? Similarly anxious thirtysomethings will be too busy focusing on themselves; younger people won't understand what all the angst is about; older ones won't wish to be reminded. Few people in the real world have such easy lives anyway. As relationships threaten to fall apart, not a single one of these people seems to have to worry about the financial consequences; work is always understanding; friendship is always consistent. Even supporting characters conveniently disappear once the plot has had its way with them.
The men are dull and the women are neurotic. When gay people are portrayed this stereotypically there's often an outcry, yet it seems heterosexuals are expected to sit and take it. Don't be among them. These characters may not know what they want to do with their lives, but I guarantee there are better things you can do with yours than sitting through this film.
Reviewed on: 11 Oct 2006