Eye For Film >> Movies >> My Summer Of Love (2004) Film Review
You know I would have enjoyed this film more had I watched it on my own.
It kind of reminds me of dated, not-important-any-more Shakespeare plays that you just totally hate but are forced to go along with so as not to stand out from everyone else in the audience not enjoying it. I don't know what is worse, seeing Daddy Day Care with a bunch of kids, or watching an artsy movie with a bunch of pretentious press geeks, who think they know everything.

Oh, I'm sooooo cynical.
Yes, My Summer Of Love is a good film. But don't go laughing at every little idiosyncrasy, just because everyone else is. Most of them are not meant to be funny at all.
"Mona" Lisa (imagine Carrie White, only more ginger and less do-able) is not having a good time. Her "boyfriend" dumps her after their latest meaningless shag, for no reason. Her bad-boy brother has become a born again Christian. Her mum is dead and daddy ran away a long time ago. Obviously, she's got no time for guys. So when she meets the lovely Tamsin on a country walk, it comes as no surprise that they end up girlfriends after finding a few things (apparently) in common.
Of course, we've seen it all before. A bit of Virgin Suicides, a pinch of Dangerous Lives Of Alter Boys and a touch of Lesbian Dawson's Creek make the basis of My Summer Of Love. I'm always a sucker for these kind of movies, with innocent, dreamy teenagers wandering around in orange sunlight, seeking some sort of self-discovery.
Overall, the ride is fun, with pretty scenery and a sympathetic romance between the two lost girls that really pulls you in. I would have liked to have seen a bit more lesbian sex, though.
Reviewed on: 22 Aug 2004