Eye For Film >> Movies >> Gnomeo & Juliet (2011) Film Review
Even by the no holds barred nature of animation, this is a truly bizarre film.
Imagine one of William Shakespeare’s most famous plays immortalised by a feuding society of garden gnomes, set to music by Elton John and voiced by an eclectic mix of classical actors – James McAvoy (Gnomeo), Emily Blunt (Juliet), Michael Caine (Lord Redbrick), Maggie Smith (Lady Blueberry), Richard Wilson (Mr Capulet), Julie Walters (Miss Montague), Ashley Jensen (Nanette the frog), Patrick Stewart (William Shakespeare) – and more off the wall voices from Ozzy Osbourne (Fawn), Dolly Parton (Dolly Gnome) and Hulk Hogan (Terraferminator )– and you have pretty much got it.

Though weak by current Pixar standards, it does have a cute kind of uncomplicated charm, particularly for kids.
The screenplay is full of appalling puns and luke-warm one-liners but the movie seems to mostly be a vehicle for Elton John’s songs.
While this is a somewhat startling take on Shakespeare it is entertaining and creative – the worst one can do to a gnome is, of course, smash it – and it surprisingly does Shakespeare no harm and pleasingly does Eton John’s music justice.
Reviewed on: 09 Jul 2011