Eye For Film >> Movies >> Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) Film Review

John Hughes' classic teen comedy is an inspiration to kids everywhere looking for ways of getting out of school.
Ferris Bueller (Matthew Broderick) plots to get one last day off before graduation. And what could he do on a day off by himself? Not much. So he enlists the help of his best friend Cameron (the superb Alan Ruck) to get the two of them plus Ferris' girfriend Sloane (Mia Sara) off school.

The fun begins with the three of them taking Cameron's dad's beautiful, very expensive car to inner city Chicago. And fun it is as Bueller joins in the float for perhaps one of the greatest moments in teen flick history.
Meanwhile, at school the rumours fly about Ferris' mysterious illness. Does he really need a transplant? Is he going to die? This is too much for his sister (Jennifer Grey), who goes home to support Ferris only to discover that the house has broken into. From there she is taken to police station where Charlie Sheen makes a brief but very worthwhile appearence.
Ferris Bueller's Day Off is a laugh-out-loud fest that makes you wonder how can kids be so intelligent and so stupid at the same time. As if putting a car in reverse will make the mileage clock go backwards!!
And were there really computers that sophisticated in the Eighties?
Ferris's monologue to camera is used well too - like you are school mate being taken into his confidence.
And as in all good teen flicks the bad guy (read: authority figure) gets his come-uppance in the end.
Reviewed on: 08 Apr 2001