Alec Baldwin faces new charge

Grand jury indicts over Halyna Hutchins killing

by Jennie Kermode

Alec Baldwin
Alec Baldwin Photo: Anne Katrin Titze

More than two years after the incident on the set of Rust that claimed the life of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, Alec Baldwin is facing a fresh charge of involuntary manslaughter. If convicted, the 65-year-old actor could face 18 months in prison.

Hutchins, a 42-year-old Ukrainian cinematographer who was developing an impressive reputation in the industry, died after being hit with a live bullet from a prop gun, which also injured director Joel Souza.

The new charge comes as a result of forensic work on the gun discharged on the incident, with experts asserting that it could only have gone off if Baldwin had actually pulled the trigger, something he has always denied doing. Prosecutors argue that this demonstrates that he was either culpably negligent or acted with complete disregard for the safety of those on set, either one of which could lead to a conviction.

Baldwin, who was also a producer on the film, has always claimed that he thought the gun was safe when he used it. He has previously faced charges over the killing, but they were dropped. The production company involved, Rust Movie Productions, was fined $139,793 by the New Mexico Occupational Health and Safety Bureau in April 2022. Ironically, Hutchins had supported union action to improve safety conditions on sets.

Attorney Gloria Allred, speaking for Hutchins' family, said that they were keen to discover the truth behind her death.

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