The Lair to open Frightfest

32 world premières to screen at 23rd edition

by Jennie Kermode

Neil Marshall's The Lair
Neil Marshall's The Lair

The full line-up for this year's main Frightfest event has been revealed, with no fewer that 32 world premières, 22 international premières and 18 UK premières on the menu. It will open with Neil Marshall's hotly anticipated The Lair, the grisly tale of a fighter pilot shot down in Afghanistan who takes refuge in a cave only to find a whole new kind of threat lurking there. Other highlights include Carter Smith's bugged-out trafficking tale Swallowed, Yuri Baranovsky pointed occult fabled The Summoned, and Alexis Bruchon's deliciously creepy The Eyes Below, one for everybody who ever worried about something lurking under the bed.

"We are absolutely delighted with this year’s fantastic Arrow Video FrightFest line-up. This is the wildest and most diverse selection we have ever assembled," said festival co-director Paul McEvoy. "The mix includes a stunning variety of the latest must-see SF, thriller, fantasy and horror titles from around the world."

Alongside the screenings, the ever-popular festival will feature a quiz by podcasters The Evolution Of Horror, plus numerous guest appearances, just-released trailers and opportunities to party. It runs from 25 to 29 August and we will be bringing you coverage throughout.

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