Glasgow Youth Film Festival programme announced

Skate Kitchen and Mary And The Witch’s Flower among highlights

by Jennie Kermode

Anna And The Apocalypse - opening this year's Glasgow Youth Film Festival
Anna And The Apocalypse - opening this year's Glasgow Youth Film Festival

The full programme for this year's Glasgow Youth Film Festival which will open with Scottish zombie high school musical comedy Anna And The Apocalypse, has been revealed today. Running from 14 to 16 September, the festival has highlights including New York skater drama Skate Kitchen, Studio Ghibli's Mary And The Witch’s Flower and a late night screening of Superbad. It will close with The School Of Rock.

The festival, which is unusual in that it's programmed entirely by people between the ages of 15 and 19, will mark part of the celebrations of Scotland’s first ever Year of Young People. It will include workshops for young people on Alternative Careers in Film and How to Make Your First Film.

"The Young Programmers have created a brilliant programme of screenings and workshops to mark the festival’s 10th anniversary while gaining valuable hands-on experience in the world of film," said Paul Bush of VisitScotland, which is supporting the festival. "It is fantastic to see GYFF inspiring young people’s love of film and cinema, both behind the scenes of the festival as well as in the audience, and giving them the opportunity to make their creative ideas come to life."

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