Morgan Freeman accused of sexual harassment

Actor denies intentionally causing offence

by Jennie Kermode

Morgan Freeman
Morgan Freeman Photo: Reamronaldreagan

Eight women have come forward to accuse Morgan Freeman of sexual harassment, according to a report published today by CNN's Chloe Melas, who described herself as one of them. Dating back over ten years, the accusations include claims of inappropriate comments and unwanted touching, sometimes persisting over prolonged periods.

Some of the accusers, who reportedly worked on film sets with the actor, say that they didn't report the alleged incidents because they were afraid of repercussions. They assert that there were witnesses present on several occasions when Freeman behaved inappropriately.

The claims also extend to behaviour alleged creating a hostile environment for women in Freeman's company, Revelations Entertainment, which was founded with the aim of creating more opportunities for people of colour working in the film industry.

Responding to the allegations, Freeman has stated that he would never intentionally cause unease or offence and has offered an apology to anyone who felt uncomfortable or disrespected.

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