New distribution partnership for Frightfest

Signature to help bring festival hits to home audiences

by Jennie Kermode

Frightfest Presents film Population Zero
Frightfest Presents film Population Zero

Just a week after it announced a new festival sponsorship deal with Arrow, Frightfest has revealed that it has a new partner for its home viewing label, Frightfest Presents. Signature Entertainment, which has released over 600 titles since it was founded in 2011, will distribute the films across both physical and digital formats, bringing films created by the festival into horror fans' homes.

The deal follows the recent purchase of Signature by US giant FFI holdings, an arrangement that is expected to sigifnicantly expand its annual slate of releases. CEO Mark Goldberg has stressed that it will continue to focus on independent films.

"We are truly thrilled to be partnering with FrightFest," Signture COO Jon Bourdillon said of the new deal. "The combination of their expert knowledge and contacts in the genre and our outstanding commercial relationships makes this a winning partnership. With horror fans increasingly flocking to the FrightFest brand, together we can make it easier than ever to consume the FrightFest endorsed movies at home."

"We’re delighted to be joining forces with Signature, who have always passionately supported FrightFest and understood our mission to open up new audiences to horror and fantasy, a genre which already has a clear, devoted and dedicated fan base. With Signature as our new partner, we very much look forward to releasing the cutting edge of next generation genre releases," said Frightfet's Paul McEvoy.

Frightfest Presents was launched in October 2015.

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