Weinstein Company non-disclosure agreements ended

"No one should be afraid to speak out," says Bob Weinstein

by Jennie Kermode

Harvey Weinstein
Harvey Weinstein Photo: Georges Biard

Formally announcing the Weinstein Company's bankruptcy yesterday, Bob Weinstein announced that all the company's non-disclosure agreements with former employees should be considered 'cancelled', adding that it "expressly releases any confidentiality provision to the extent it has prevented individuals who suffered or witnessed any form of sexual misconduct by Harvey Weinstein from telling their stories."

Non-disclosure agreements were a standard part of Weinstein Company employment contracts, but the company has acknowledged that they effectively enabled Harvey Weinstein to silence those accusing him of sexual misconduct. Rose McGowan has previously said that the terms of her NDA made it difficult for her to prove her claims against the producer, who stepped back from the company when the allegations broke last October.

"No one should be afraid to speak out or coerced to stay quiet," said Bob Weinstein in a statement. "The Company thanks the courageous individuals who have already come forward. Your voices have inspired a movement for change across the country and around the world."

Yesterday was Harvey Weinstein's birthday. Rose McGowan recorded a video greeting to him, saying: "I told you 20 years ago that if I heard of you doing this to another girl or woman we would come for you... We win."

An arrangement with private equity firm Lantern Capital Partners means that the Weinstein Company's current employees may be able to retain their jobs.

The New York Attorney general's office has confirmed that investigations into alleged misconduct at the company are ongoing.

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