Film ratings system needed, says Donald Trump

President concerned that violent content affects young minds

by Jennie Kermode

Donald Trump in Home Alone 2
Donald Trump in Home Alone 2

It will celebrate its 96th anniversary this year, but the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) is apparently unknown to President Donald Trump, who told White House colleagues yesterday that some kind of ratings system is needed for films.

Despite being personally associated with over 40 productions, the president showed no awareness of how the business works. He lists Bloodsports, Goodfellas and The Godfather amongst his favourite films but expressed concern that violent films could have a damaging effect on the minds of young viewers - something which increasing scientific evidence suggests is not the case. No clear link has ever been established between watching violent films and committing violent crimes.

Trump's comments also extended to video games, which have been regulated by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) since 1994.

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