AFI movies of the year announced

"Storytellers bring us together as one," says Bob Gazzale

by Jennie Kermode

Get Out is among this year's AFI honorees
Get Out is among this year's AFI honorees

The American Film Institute last night announced its movies of the year, each deemed culturally and artistically significant and, as usual, celebrated on their merits without being compared to one another.

"At a time when the world seems defined by division, storytellers bring us together as one," said AFI President and CEO Bob Gazzale. "AFI Awards is honoured to celebrate this community of artists who challenge and inspire us, entertain and enlighten us — ultimately reminding us of our common heartbeat."

The films are:-

Particularly noteable is the inclusion of Get Out, The Shape Of Water and Wonder Woman, three films that would normally be expected to struggle during awards season because of their genre content. In recognising their achievements, the AFI may well have increased the chance of them taking home big awards later in the season.

The award winners will meet on the 5th of January for a private lunch in Los Angeles.

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