Arrest warrant issued for Rose McGowan

“Are they trying to silence me?" actress asks

by Jennie Kermode

Rose McGowan in her most recent film, The Sound
Rose McGowan in her most recent film, The Sound

Police in Virginia have issued an arrest warrant for Rose McGowan relating to narcotics charges. Personal items allegedly belonging to the Planet Terror star, which were left behind on a United Airlines flight to Washington Dulles International Airport, have tested positive for narcotics.

McGowan has responded on social media, calling the allegations "a load of horseshit" and suggesting that they are part of an attempt to silence her as an outspoken critic of Harvey Weinstein and other powerful men in Hollywood.

Journalist Laura Loomer noted the parallel between the accusations made against McGowan and the recent arrest of Corey Feldman, who has made claims about paedophilia in Hollywood.

McGowan has been requested to appear before a Virginia court. The charges made are a felony so the arrest warrant applies right across the US.

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