Stop, thief! Tom Hardy chases down suspect

Hollywood star makes an arresting appearance in London.

by Jennie Kermode

Tom Hardy
Tom Hardy Photo: Georges Biard

Mad Max: Fury Road star Tom Hardy hit the headlines today when he chased down two motorbike thieves in London. The teenagers, who allegedly purloined their vehicle before driving through a red light and crashing it into a car, are now in police custody.

Hardy, who is visiting London to promote Dunkirk, was in the Richmond area of the city when he witnessed the crash and immediately sprang into action. He succeeded in grabbing and restraining one of the suspects while a police officer caught the other. The teenagers, both aged 16, were taken to hospital but do not have any serious injuries.

Hardy has frequently been required to get physical in his films, and his fans were recently excited to learn that he has a small role in the forthcoming Star Wars Episode VIII - The Last Jedi, though who he will play remains a secret.

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