Funding boost for Scottish film industry

Production Growth Fund increased to £3 million.

by Jennie Kermode

A further £1.25 million is being made available through Creative Scotland.
A further £1.25 million is being made available through Creative Scotland. Photo: Images of Money

Christmas has come early for the Scottish film industry with the announcement today that Production Growth Fund, which support film and high end television production, is to be increased by £1.25m. The money comes from the Scottish government and the National Lottery, and is being made available through Creative Scotland.

"Incentivising major film and TV productions to come to Scotland makes strong economic sense," said Culture Secretary Fiona Hyslop. "Every major project filmed here boosts our local and wider creative economy, enhances our international reputation and can attract thousands of new visitors."

"One of the key aims of the Production Growth Fund is to support Scottish producers as well as attract international production into Scotland. In its first year, demand for the fund has been extremely high and the projects supported so far not only further raise the profile of Scotland as an international destination for filmmakers, but also support our world-class craft and technical talent," said Creative Scotland CEO Janet Archer.

In the past year, the Production Growth Fund has contributed to the funding of Churchill, T2: Trainspotting, Hush, Calibre and The Etruscan Smile. Individual film projects may apply for sums of up to £250,000.

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