Mel Gibson accused of pushing photographer

Star dismisses allegations.

by Jennie Kermode

Mel Gibson
Mel Gibson Photo: Clifford Choi, licensed under Creative Commons

A photographer working for the Daily Telegraph has accused Mel Gibson of pushing her after she took a photograph of him with his girlfriend Rosalind Ross outside a cinema in Sydney. The altercation occurred last night when the star emerged from a screening of David Oelhoffen’s Far From Men, which tells the story of two Algerian men who go on the run in the Atlas Mountains after one of them is accused of murder.

Photographer Kristi Miller says that Gibson pushed her hard in the back, after which Ross stepped in to apologise and calm him down.

The Lethal Weapon star has been in trouble in the past. In 1991 he made homophobic comments in an interview and went on to defend them. In 2006 he was caught drunk driving and accused of making anti-Semitic comments to the arresting officer. In 2010 he admitted battering his then girlfriend, Oksana Grigorieva. He has since been awarded joint custody of their daughter, Lucia, who has joined him on his trip to his country of birth but was not present when the alleged pushing incident occurred.

Speaking on Gibson's behalf, his publicist has dismissed the claim of pushing as a fabrication. No comment has been made about allegations that he called Miller a dog, said that she was 'not even a human being' and told her she would go to Hell.

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