Geraldine McEwan dies

Iconic Miss Marple also celebrated for film work.

by Jennie Kermode

Geraldine McEwan in The Magdalene Sisters
Geraldine McEwan in The Magdalene Sisters

Geraldine McEwan, best known for playing Agatha Christie's Miss Marple in a long-running television series, has died at the age of 82. In her 57 year career the much-admired character actress also appeared in films as diverse as Henry V, The Magdalene Sisters and Vanity Fair. She provided the voice of Miss Thipp in Wallace and Grommit film The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit and also appeared alongside Kevin Costner and Sean Conner in Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves.

An awkward child who found refuge in the theatre and quickly made an impression with her acting talents, the versatile McEwan had no formal training but soon progressed through Stratford and Broadway before finding her way into film. She was an avowed left-winger and was rumoured to have turned down the offer of being made a dame. She died peacefully following a stroke and is survived by her two children, Greg and Claudia, and by seven grandchildren.

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