North Korea threatens war over forthcoming film

Seth Rogen and James Franco in the firing line.

by Jennie Kermode

It's meant to be a spoof spy movie with Seth Rogen and James Franco as two journalists who travel to Pyongyang and are then recruited by the CIA to assassinate Kim Jong Un, but North Korea today issued a statement calling The Interview "the most blatant act of terrorism and war." Waring that it "absolutely will not be tolerated," the isolated dictatorship threatened "a merciless counter-measure" if the US does not ban it.

Noting that the film had originally been intended to focus on Kim Jon Il (a man whose love of cinema once prompted him to keep his favourite director prisoner and force him to make monster movies), Rogen responded "People don't usually wanna kill me for one of my movies until after they've paid 12 bucks for it."

The North Korean reaction mirrors that attending the release of Team America: World Police ten years ago.

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