Film stars back Glasgow School of Art restoration appeal

Brad Pitt and Peter Capaldi call for help after devastating fire.

by Jennie Kermode

Last month, fire ravaged one of Scotland's most celebrated buildings, the Glasgow School of Art. Now Brad Pitt and Peter Capaldi have signed up as trustees of a fundraising campaign aimed at helping to restore it to its former glory.

"There is no greater symbol of the artistic spirit of Scotland than the Mackintosh Building," said Capaldi, who studied at the school. ""I hope we can come together to help raise the funds to restore [it]... to its former grace."

The fire was a spectacular one, apparently started by a spark in the basement but blazing right up to the roof. Thanks to the efforts of Strathclyde Fire and Rescue, however, 90% of the building was saved. Restoration is expected to cost around £35m but donations have already been promised by supporters worldwide, while museums, libraries and art institutions have pledges to help restore the book collection once kept in the building's now devastated library.

Brad Pitt is a longstanding admirer of Charles Rennie MacIntosh, who designed the building, and sought out examples of the artist's work when in Glasgow filming World War Z.

The Scottish government has pledged £5m in match funding for the restoration, as well as £750,000 to help students who lost their work in the fire.

You can support the fund here.

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