£30m boost for film in Wales

Teen thriller is first to receive funds.

by Jennie Kermode

A new £30m government fund for the Welsh film industry has been launched with the first film to benefit, hostage drama Take Down, going into production today. To be shot in Wales and the Isle of Man, the film, helmed by I Know What You Did Last Summer's Jim Gillespie, tells the story of rich teenagers sent to a reform school only to be taken as hostages.

"I am very pleased to see Take Down become the first feature film to receive funding through the Media Investment Budget," said Economy Minister Edwina Hart. "Wales has a growing reputation for film and television production and, working with Pinewood Pictures, we want to see even more projects coming to Wales. Through this new fund we will invest up to £30m into projects brought forward by Pinewood to help create growth and jobs in this industry."

The funds will be allocated over the next five years, with around seven films expected to benefit. To qualify, they must have at least half of their filming done in Wales, with 40% or their total budgets spent in the country. This could cover anything from hiring lights to paying extras or bringing in local caterers. It is part of a series of measures aimed at putting Wales on the map as a filming location and developing local talent.

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