12 Years A Slave is BAFTA Best Film

McQueen film wins but it's also a big night for Gravity.

by Jennie Kermode

Lupita Nyong'o and Chiwetel Ejiofor in 12 Years A Slave.
Lupita Nyong'o and Chiwetel Ejiofor in 12 Years A Slave.
12 Years A Slave won Best Film at the 2014 BAFTA awards tonight, but the film taking home the most awards was Gravity, which took an early leadand went on to win six awards including Best British Film (it was mostly filmed at Shepperton and Pinewood Studios), American Hustle took three, including Best Supporting Actress award (for Jennifer Lawrence). On the red carpet, black, white and silver were the colours of the night, with some bright splashes of colour such as the stunning green gown worn by Lupita Nyong'o.

Will Poulter, who made a huge splash s a child in Son Of Rambow, was named this year's Rising Star. A Zed & Two Noughts director Peter Greenaway received a lifetime achievement award and Helen Mirren was given a rare BAFTA fellowship.

The full list of winners:

Best Film 12 Years A Slave

Best British Film Gravity

Best Director Alfonso Cuarón, Gravity

Best Actor Chiwetel Ejiofor, 12 Years A Slave

Best Actress Cate Blanchett, Blue Jasmine

Best Film Not In The English Language The Great Beauty

Best Supporting Actress Jennifer Lawrence, American Hustle

Best Supporting Actor Barkhad Abdi, Captain Phillips

Best Documentary The Act of Killing, Joshua Oppenheimer

Best Animated Film Frozen

Best Cinematography Gravity, Emmanuel Lubezki

Best Editing Rush, Dan Hanley, Mike Hill

Best Original Screenplay Eric Warren Singer, David O. Russell, American Hustle

Best Adapted Screenplay Steve Coogan, Jeff Pope, Philomena

Best Production Design The Great Gatsby, Catherine Martin, Beverley Dunn

Best Make-up and Hair American Hustle, Evelyne Noraz, Lori McCoy-Bell

Best Special Visual Effects Gravity, Tim Webber, Chris Lawrence, David Shirk, Neil Corbould, Nikki Penny

Best Sound Gravity, Glenn Freemantle, Skip Lievsay, Christopher Benstead, Niv Adiri, Chris Munro

Best Original Music Gravity, Steven Price

Best British Short Film Room 8, James W. Griffiths, Sophie Venner

Best British Short Animation Sleeping with the Fishes, James Walker, Sarah Woolner, Yousif Al-Khalifa

Outstanding debut by a British writer, director or producer Keiran Evans (Director/Writer), Kelly + Victor

EE Rising Star Will Poulter

Outstanding British Contribution to Cinema Peter Greenaway

BAFTA Fellowship Helen Mirren

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