Pakistani cinema attacked with grenades

At least five dead and 30 wounded.

by Jennie Kermode

Unknown attackers threw two grenades into the Picture house cinema in Peshawar, Pakistan, during a busy screening this evening. Around 100 people were watching Ziddi Pakhtun when the attack occurred. Five have now been confirmed dead and at least 30 others are injured, with casualties being taken to nearby Lady Reading Hospital.

The attackers are understood to have been sitting at the back of the cinema and to thrown their grenades forward into the main part of the audience. Several people wrre seriously injured in the stampede that followed as people tried to get out.

Local militant group Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan has insisted that it was not responsible for the attack. 40 people died last September when the bazaar where the cinemas is situated was targeted by bombers. Cinemas have been targeted in the past by Islamic extremists who believes films are sinful.

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