Animal safety storm hits The Hobbit

Did carelessness lead to deaths?

by Jennie Kermode

Concerns about animal welfare arose today after it emerged that more than 20 animals have died in the care of the team making The Hobbit. The American Humane Association (AHA) says it highlights the need for proper housing and care of animals when they are not actually on set.

The deaths occurred at a working New Zealand farm where the animals were being housed during several months of filming. Handlers complained about conditions on the farm, including damaged fences and numerous potholes which led to animals stumbling. Three horses died as a result and two others were seriously injured, while goats, chickens and a sheep were also among the victims. The farm is understood to have addressed these problems since, following the intervention of the AHA, but the organisation acknowledges that it lacks the funding to monitor this aspect of animal welfare on every production. "There are too many incidents off the set and this must stop. It is vital that we work with the industry to bring the kind of protection we have for animals during filming to all phases of production," said its CEO, Robin Ganzert.

No animals are thought to have been harmed during filming itself, with a vet on set at all times to ensure a high standard of welfare. The first of the three Hobbit films opens in the UK next month.

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