Innocence Of Muslims producer remanded in custody

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula faces up to two years in prison.

by Jennie Kermode

The director of the controversial anti-Islamic film Innocence Of Muslims, which sparked riots around the world, is today on remand in a California prison pending a court hearing about alleged parole violations. Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, who has previously spent time in prison for fraud, could face up to two yeas behind bars for violating the conditions of his release.

It is unusual for a California court to detain an individual in these circumstances but Nakoula is considered a flight risk due to the nature of his previous crime and his habitual use of aliases. He is also alleged to have lied to his probation officers. His detention does not relate to the film itself. He has acknowledged his involvement with Innocence Of Muslims but claims he was involved only at a logistical level.

Due to death threats made in association with the film and a $100,000 bounty placed on his head by a Pakistani government minister, it is understood that Nakoula will be placed in protective custody. His attorney has expressed concerns for his safety but lawyers for the state contend that he may actually be safest in custody.

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