Herbert Lom dies

Goodbye to one of the greatest screen villains.

by Jennie Kermode

The actor Herbert Lom, star of Spartacus, El Cid and the Pink Panther films, has died in his sleep at the age of 95. In his time, Lom was admired as one of the screen's greatest villains. He went on to develop a second career playing professional men, including the long-suffering boss of Peter Sellers' Inspector Clouseau.

Lom's 67 year career, during which he starred in over 100 films, brought him worldwide acclaim. Originally born in Prague, which was then part of the Austro-Hungarian empire, he lived much of his life in Britain, where he made several Hammer Horror films. As well as being Hammer's Phantom Of The Opera he was the first Van Helsing to face off against Christopher Lee's Count Dracula. He delivered a memorable turn as Captain Nemo in Mysterious Island and was also known for his portrayals of Napoleon Boneparte in The Young Mr Pitt and War And Peace.

Alongside his film career, Lom appeaed in television series The Human Jungle and wrote two historical novels. He married twice and had two children.

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