Bray Film Studios to close

Hammer Horror location can no longer compete.

by Jennie Kermode

Ever since 1951, Bray Studios have had a special place in Britain's film culture. Now, unable to compete in a changing market, they will finally close. A media centre will open in their place, suitable for making small scale TV projects, and local councillors have called for a memorial to be erected in recognition of their contribution to the Berkshire economy.

Bray Studios were initially developed by Hammer Film Productions, who realised it was cheaper to convert a real stately home to house their gothic melodramas than to keep building elaborate sets on sound stages. They first featured in Cloudburst and proved surprisingl adaptable, going on to host productions like The Old Dark House, The Phantom Of The Opera, The Mummy's Shroud, The Rocky Horror Picture Show and the original St Trinians films. Bray was also a location for TV series including Space 1999 and Doctor Who.

Down Place, where the studios were based, will now be converted back into a private residence. It has an illustrious history that extends beyond the world of film and is believed to have served as the headquarters of the French Resistance during the Second World War.

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