Wuthering Heights star struggled with fame, says magistrate

James Howson discharged from court but remains in hospital.

by Jennie Kermode

He soared to fame last year in Andrea Arnold's acclaimed production of Wuthering Heights, but since then actor James Howson has led a troubled life. Today he was given a conditional discharge at Leeds Magistrates' Court after being charged with threatening his former girlfriend and their baby daughter, behaviour aggravated by racism.

In a case that echoes the story of Heathcliff, the character he played in the film, Howson rose from obscurity to enjoy sudden success, only to find himself overwhelmed. His lawyer has argued that this contributed to a psychotic illness. He is now receiving treatment in St James' secure hospital.

Howson was the first black actor ever to play Heathcliff, although the character is described in the novel as dark and there are implications that other characters mistreat him due to racial prejudice.

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