Twickenham Film Studios to close

The Iron lady could not save studio from adminstration after 99 years.

by Jennie Kermode

Its recent successes have included The Iron Lady, War Horse and My Week With Marilyn, but Twickenham Film Studios announced today that it is set to enter administration. After a remarkable 99 years, it is expected to close by June at the latest.

Eye For Film understands that the studio has been running at a loss for at least three years, unable to compete with larger studios in a dwindling market as more productions choose to shoot on location rather than using stages.

The studio was founded in 1913 and has been central to the production of highly acclaimed films such as Repulsion, Blade Runner and The Italian Job. It was also used for the Beatles' celluloid outings Help and A Hard Day's Night.

It is expected that Twickenham will be sold on and will not reopen as a film studio. Settlements are due to be made with its 17 employees.

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