Attikon cinema goes up in flames

Historic Athens cinema is destroyed in austerity riots.

by Jennie Kermode

The riots in Athens have claimed a historic victim - the 19th century Attikon cinema, famous as one of the city's most beautiful new-Classical buildings. The key venue for the Athens International Film Festival, it attracted film fans from around the world every September and was a popular destination for tourists at other times of year.

With its sweeping galleries, arching sky-blue ceiling and lush red velvet seats, the cinema was admired by lovers of film and architecture alike, but today all that remained was a smouldering ruin following an arson attack. It had been operating as a cinema since 1912 and the previous night had been screening Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.

The Attikon was one of 15 public buildings to be burned yesterday. Greek commentaors lamented the destruction of their country's culture whilst others pointed out the irony of destroying an entertainment venue when unemployment is at 20% and many people have no way to fill their time.

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