Dog eat dog

Could foul play nobble canine contenstants?

by Jennie Kermode

With just five days left to go until this year's Golden Collar awards, the fur has really started flying. Martin Scorsese is up in arms about the lack of nominations for Blackie, the doberman who appeared in his critically acclaimed hit Hugo. Speaking on the Jimmy Kimmel Live programme, he alleged that competitors may have deliberately spread rumours to undermine her chances.

These rumours, which are certainly out there, hold that Blackie's facial expressions were created or enhanced by CGI, a claim Scorsese denies. He says he double-checked with visual effects superviser Rob Legato and can confirm that they were all Blackie's own work.

Whilst Scorsese isn't naming names, it's pretty clear that the team behind The Artist are the target of his accsations. The only other dog considered to be in with a chance is Cosmo from Beginners. Artist star Uggie is expected to retire after the Oscars because, it was revealed today, a neurological disorder has been affecting his more recent performances. He is otherwise believed to be in good health.

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