Artist star Uggie to quit film work

Talented canine to retire after Golden Collar awards.

by Jennie Kermode

One of the most highly acclaimed performers of the year, Artist star Uggie is to leave the business, it was announced today. The ten year old Jack Russell is expected to go out in style as he is odds on favourite to win a best actor gong at the Golden Collar awards on February 13.

Trainer Sarah Clifford says there is no question of any dog being asked to act if he doesn't enjoy it, and though Uggie may still make occasional appearances in short films, he's now at a stage in life where features are too tiring for him and he wants to relax beside the family pool.

Fans of the talented canine may find some consolation in the news that his younger brother, Dash, is currently in training with the hope of succeeding him in major film roles.

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