US National Society of Film Critics celebrates Melancholia

Von Trier film takes top prize from top critics.

by Jennie Kermode

Lars Von Trier's Melancholia has moved up a place in this year's Oscar race by winning Best Film at the US National Society of Film Critics' awards ceremony in New York City. The awards are among few to rank winners, with Terrence Malick's Tree Of Life taking second place and Iranian drama A Separation coming in third. The latter also received the Best Screenplay gong.

Melancholia scored again in the Best Actress category with the top prize going to Kirsten Dunst, over Jun Yung-Hee (Poetry) and Meryl Streep (The Iron Lady). Brad Pitt won best actor for his work in Tree Of Life and Moneyball, with Gary Oldman (Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy) and Jean Dujardin (The Artist) the runners-up. Albert Brooks won Best Supporting Actor for Drive and Jessica Chastain took Best Supporting Actress for her work across three films (Tree Of Life, Take Shelter and The Help).

Winner in the Best Documentary category was Werner Herzog's Cave Of Forgotten Dreams, which is now a clear front runner across numerous sets of awards.

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