Glasgow dances with the stars

Gene Kelly retrospective to feature at 2012 festival. Youth Festival details also announced.

by Jennie Kermode

"Gene Kelly led a one-man revolution in Hollywood that changed the screen musical forever," says Glasgow Film Festival director Allan Hunter, explaining why the fleet-fotted star of Singin' In The Rain will be the subject of a special retrospective at next February's event. Stars like Judy Garland, Cyd Charisse and Frank Sinatra will also feature in what is set to be a treat for dance fans. If you want to give it a go yourself, there'll even be a special Gene Kelly ceilidh!

The announcement comes on the same day as the 2012 Youth Festival line-up is revealed. This event, which will run through the first part of the month befoe the main festival starts, will open with a special screening of popular song and dance stars The Muppets. Other treats will include The Wise Kids and A Boy And His Samurai, plus there'll be a look back at anime classic Princess Mononoke. The youth festival aims to include something for everyone aged 4 to 18.

We'll be bringing you news of the full Glasgow Film Festival line-up next month, so watch this space!

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