David Ngoombujarra found dead in park

Hugh Jackman pays tribute to "extraordinary man, actor and friend".

by Jennie Kermode

Australian actor David Ngoombujarra, known for his roles in international releases like Rabbit Proof Fence, Ned Kelly and Australia, was yesterday found dead in a park in the Australian city of Fremantle, near Perth. although he was only 44 years old police are not treating his death as suspicious.

Ngoombujarra was one of Australia's displaced generation of Aboriginal children, forcibly transplanted and raised by a white family. He first made a splash on the big screen with a bit part in Young Einstein, and made a lasting impression on audiences playing accused man Max Stuart in true story Black And White. Much loved within the industry, he was the recipient of multiple awards from the Australian Film Institute.

"His laugh, warmth and humanity will live on with all who knew him," said Hugh Jackman, who co-starred with him in Australia and remained his friend.

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