Margaret Tait Award winner announced

Glasgow Film Festival commissions artist Anne-Marie Copestake

by Jennie Kermode

Anne-Marie Copestake is a Glasgow-based artist whose work in film, video, photography, sculpture and text has been attracting increasing attention internationally. Now she is the proud recipient of the Glasgow Film Festival's Margaret Tait Award and will be developing a special artistic project for next year's event.

Copestake, who is a member of the Poster Club artists' collective and improvisational all-female band Muscles Of Joy, has received £10,000 with which to expand her creative work. With film as its theme, this will follow last year's highly successful installation and performance work by the German artist Torsten Lauschmann.

“We’ve developed a truly collaborative way of working, opening up the Festival and GFT to local and international filmmakers, curators, young people, creative professionals and universities,” said festival director Alison Gardner. “It’s helped us to produce an inventive and innovative programme of critically acclaimed screenings and events that consistently engage, inspire and inform.”

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