2011 Cannes slate announced

Pedro Almodóvar, Pirates, Woody Allen, Takashi Miike and more.

by Jennie Kermode

The full competition line-up for this year's Cannes Film Festival was announced today and it looks set to thrill fans and critics alike. Premieres will include We Need To Talk About Kevin, with Tilda Swinton attending; Takashi Miike's Hara-kiri-Death Of A Samurai and Pedro Almodóvar's The Skin I Live In. There'll also be a chance to see Sean Penn as an aging rock star in This Must Be The Place, and there are brand new films by Lars Von Trier and Terrence Malick.

The festival will open with Gus Van Sant's Restless, a fantasy romance centering on a terminally ill girl. It will also feature the premiere of Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, which stars Johnny Depp and Penelope Cruz are planning to attend in person. Woody Allen's Midnight In Paris is also attracting considerable attention. And older films get a look in too, with Malcolm McDowell introducing a restored version of Stanley Kubrick classic A Clockwork Orange.

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