The Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival opens this weekend.

Catch free short films in Glasgow as part of the festival.

by Jennie Kermode

The 2010 Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival launches this weekend, and Glasgow's Centre for Contemporary Arts (CCA) will be screening free short films throughout Sunday as part of the celebrations. A programme looking at the trials and tribulations of childhood, with lots of laughter too, is followed by a programme of short films made by local people. There will be discussion time after each session, so it's a great opportunity to explore the complex issues that can be raised by short films.

A strong programme of film content will run throughout the festival in locations across Scotland. Highlight include Pixar's massively popular Up, Michael Haneke's darkly elegant The White Ribbon, and Samantha Morton's eloquent look at the foster system, The Unloved. There'll be a chance to catch the innovative Mary & Max, and to enjoy classics like Arsenic And Old Lace.

"We all have mental health identities - positive and negative - and are all vulnerable to mental health problems at points in our lives," says festival director Lee Knifton, explaining why the events is so important. The arts provide a unique and powerful way of engaging with mental health issues such as identity, stigma, social justice and happiness!"

The festival runs from 1 to 12 October.

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