Watch J-horror films online for free

A selection of classics and exciting new works available for the next year.

by Jennie Kermode

Writing an article like this, it's difficult to keep that neutral tone of voice that journalists prize, but when great films are being made available for free, what can one do? Indie Movies Online are releasing a film a day for the next week and a bit, and you can watch them any time you like over the next year.

The selection includes George Romero's Day Of The Dead, the legendary director having spoken out against lengthy copyright terms and being keen to make his classic early work available to a wider audience, but the core of the project is J-horror - that's Japanese horror to the uninitiated. If you are inexperienced in this area, prepare for some real scares - this is the sort of thing that makes Hollywood horror look like Watch With Mother. Afficionados, meanwhile, will not be disappointed with this mixture of new films and established genre favourites.

Among the better known selections are Battle Royale, Tokyo Gore Police and Vampire Girl Versus Frankenstein Girl, but there are also some exciting, little-seen releases like Samurai Princess and Starfish Hotel.

To watch the films online, just visit

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