Corin Redgrave dies aged 70

Four Weddings And A Funeral star passes away.

by Jennie Kermode

Tragedy once again struck the Redgrave family today when 70-year-old actor Corin Redgrave, a notable star of both stage and screen, died following a short illness. He had previously suffered from prostate cancer and heart problems, but his death was reportedly peaceful and his family were able to be present.

Though the prime focus of his career was the theatre, Redgrave appeared in several landmark films, among them A Man For All Seasons, The Charge Of The Light Brigade and Oh!, What A Lovely War. He played Cornwall in Excalibur and took on the thankless role of the boring husband in Four Weddings And A Funeral. More recently he appeared in Enduring Love and still-to-be-released The Calling, determined to keep working despite his health problems.

Redgrave's death follows the passing of his niece, Natasha Richardson, in a skiing accident last year. He is survived by his actress wife Kika Markham, actress daughter Jemma Redgrave and three other children: Luke, Arden and Harvey.

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