Discovery time in Dundee

An international film festival especially for young people.

by Jennie Kermode

Younger audiences often get short shrift when it comes to film. Critics are quick to dismiss films aimed at them and it can be difficult for parents to find things that both they and their kids will enjoy. All that changes in Dundee next week as the Discovery Film Festival brings some of the best of the world's cinema to town in an event entirely focused on young audiences.

With material suitable for all age groups from three to 21, Discovery, which is now in its sixth year, includes both new features and old favourites. Teenagers will like the drama of 32A and the highly acclaimed anime Sky Crawlers, while small children will be entertained by fairytale animation Dragon Hunters and those in between will enjoy laughing at Max Embarrassing; It's Not Me, I Swear.

There are lots of other fun things going on at the festival, so visit if you want to find out more. You should also keep an eye out for the dragons who are hiding on buses all around the city and can help you get free tickets.

Discovery opens on 20 October and runs until 1 November. "It's international but isn't just about the wider world," says director Katharine Simpson. "It's an opportunity to inspire our own emerging film-makers, and provide an opportunity for young people to share their passion for cinema."

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