London festival to turn film Inside Out

A chance to explore the contribution of London universities.

by Jennie Kermode

The London Film Festival isn't the only thing happening in the capital this month. Residents can also look forward to brand new arts and film festival Inside Out, which takes a look at the contribution to culture made by the city's universities. You don't need to be a student to attend, and many events are free, though advance booking is recommended.

"It is going to be a real delight to showcase the wealth of filmmaking talent and exceptional cinema facilities of our partner universities and to give Londoners a chance to study and enjoy film, with inspiration and insights from leading film directors and theorists." says Sally Taylor of the London Centre for Arts and Cultural Exchange. "The Inside Out Festival will be a fantastic opportunity for budding filmmakers, critics, students and film lovers to come together in a fun and thought-provoking week."

Highlights of the festival include the chance to meet director Gideon Koppel, the man behind Sleep Furiously, and Iraqi documentary-maker Maysoon Pachachi. There will be masterclasses on Stanley Kubrick and on the identity of French cinema, as well as a chance to find out about the National Portrait Gallery's new short documentary portrait project.

Inside Out will run from the 19th to the 25th of October. To find out more, visit

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